Sunday, December 1, 2013


It's 450BC, what are you wearing?

What’s in the season?


As I travel around Greece I can't help but marvel at all the amazing theaters being built! Have you seen the Theatre of Epidaurus? It's amazing! I can only imagine how many wonderful Tragedies and Comedies are going to be performed in it!

Check it out:

When I saw a play there I couldn't help but notice all the beautiful masks. Then I thought, to be the ideal person you want to be, reach perfection, and be worshiped for beauty the secret must be...MASKS!

Greek theatre has really taken off, and the stars of the theatre are all wearing masks. Have you seen a show yet? If you haven’t then it’s a must, but it you have I’m sure you took a notice to the masks of the chorus.

For the next festival of Dionysus show up like one of the chorus members.

Check out these awesome masks: 

 Greek Theatre is all about theatrics and performance these days, why not add some of that to your life! 

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